Friday, May 23, 2008

Don't drop out of high school

The reason one shouldn’t drop out of high school is because they get a lot less pay then a graduate does. I mean it not only affects you but it affects everyone around one like: parent, teacher, friend on your life and yourself. One affects their parents by other people might think that they aren’t good parents. Plus they might think that they are failures also. It affects the teachers the same way. They think that they are bad teachers and couldn’t convince them to stay in school. The school board might think that also of the teacher. It affect ones friends because they lose some respect of you and they never get to see you anymore cause you are either working to make minimum wage or are asleep or they have homework or a school event and cant hang out

Friday, May 9, 2008

Drinking and Driving

If one drinks and drives, then almost every time something bad will happen or on the side slight chance one get home safely then good job. You don't need to read this then or do you cause highly unlikely that you can get home safe twice. But anyway three things that could happen to you are one hurt you self, two hurt some one else, and three is that you get caught and arrested.

One when you can hurt your yourself because when you drink it slows your judgement down and you cant think straight and then you get in the car and hit a street light. Also drinking impairs your judgement so you probably wont even have your seat belt on. So you go through the front windshield.

Two is instead of hitting a street light you hit a person walking or playing on the sidewalk or even hit another car. Then you will feel guilty for the rest of your life let alone have to pay for the medical or car damages to your car and there car. Hopefully they don't die also.

Three will happen with all the others if you hit something the cops will be called and they will test you for drinking with a drug test. Or if you don't hit anybody don't think that your safe and wont get arrested thought cause drinking impairs your judgement and you don't intend you may speed or swerve. And a paroling cop will pull you over to arrest you.

That is why you should not drink and drive. If you can resit you shouldn't drink at all but if you have to have a designated driver to take you home or if you are at a friends spend the night or call a taxi

Thursday, May 8, 2008


What is education? The dictionary definition of education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. For the last 18 years I have thought education was done in a class room but in real terms it is everywhere. I am going to use the marines for an example.

For the past seven months I have learned how to get ready for boot camp. He has told me to look for in boot camp. Taught me how to overcome the mental tricks of the Drill Instructors at boot camp. Taught me how to get in to shape for boot camp.

I will learn for the Drill Instructors at boot camp by. I will learn how to act and become a Marine. In mini boot camp they should us some of the saying we have to do. Like when the say ears we have to say open Sir and eyes we say click Sir. We will learn close order drill and how to march information. They will teach you a lot more stuff that I just don’t know right now because I haven’t been to boot camp yet.

Farther more all your classes, weapon shooting, swimming, ect. Marine specified in that MOS will teach you all the class room stuff in boot camp. The marines also teach you at the weapon range. They don’t even let the DI get in a certain distance from the range. When you do your field week Marines are you teachers out there for the whole week and same as swimming week.

In that I is why Education is not just learned in a school, class room, or in-between four walls. It is everywhere and all the time. From when you learned to talk to when you die you will learn everyday. I think that’s why they have the saying “You learn something new every day.” That is my thoughts on education.

Critical Thinking

With thinking critically using the marines as an example. Think about joining the marines is more then just thinking about the marines. You have to think about about what kind of shape you are in. You have to get in mental and physical shape for boot camp. You have to think about your family and friends that you are leaving for four years.

On the plus side all your friends will be paying college debt for years and you are basically getting paid to go to college if you do it while you are in the service. You get to travel to new places for free. You have a sense of belonging in the Marine Corps.

On the bad side you leave all your family and friends. You a basically are a slave to the government. You go where they want you to and have to do what they tell you to do. You have to go through basically 13 weeks of hell at bootcamp.

As I should you critical thinking is more important then just thinking about the one thing. I hope this help you with you thinking whatever it is.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


So thinking is done by yourself. You ask your self a question and you answer your own question. You do it when you by yourself. People who like to be by themself like to think then i is what the quote says i think.